Monday 13:40 hrs. A single vehicle MVC occurred on Zion Church Rd. between Johnson Store Rd. and Bayard Rd.
It appears that a northbound service truck crossed the southbound lane and entered into a ditch on the west side of the road, south of Johnson Store Rd. The vehicle continued traveling north, in the ditch, before striking a wooden signpost and coming back up and crossing Johnson Store Rd. The vehicle contnued north into another ditch before coming back up onto the road surface where it struck and severely damaged a guiderail on the west side of the road. The vehicle then crossed across both lanes of travel and struck a guiderail on the east side of the road after which the vehicle traveled north along the east shoulder before going off the east side of the road into another ditch where the vehicle came to rest.
The driver was removed by Roxana EMS personnel and transported to PRMC.
Nature: Structure Fire
34984 Bennett Rd
City: Frankford, DE 19945
Nature: Medical Emergency
City: Swann Keys
Nature: Medical Emergency
City: Frankford